Download X-Plane v6.70 crack

Added to site2005-02-12
Votes2 (6775 bytes)

howto-create-crack/ 0 0
howto-create-crack/function.txt 16151 2402
howto-create-crack/code.txt 5001 1209
howto-create-crack/howto.txt 1048 547
howto-crack.txt 205 144
X-Plane 670 crack.exe 5140 1713


* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00458B39   , :00458B48   , :004F1368   , :004F1375   , :005593E8   
:004A7740 55                      push ebp
:004A7741 89E5                    mov ebp, esp
:004A7743 53                      push ebx
:004A7744 56                      push esi
:004A7745 57                      push edi
:004A7746 81EC54020000            sub esp, 00000254
:004A774C 8D8500FEFFFF            lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFE00]
:004A7752 50                      push eax
:004A7753 FF7508                  push [ebp+08]
:004A7756 68B06C8700              push 00876CB0
:004A775B E8E0DEF9FF              call 00445640
:004A7760 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:004A7763 8B1D38AD8700            mov ebx, dword ptr [0087AD38]
:004A7769 8D1CDB                  lea ebx, dword ptr [ebx+8*ebx]
:004A776C 01DB                    add ebx, ebx
:004A776E 8B34DD4CAD8700          mov esi, dword ptr [8*ebx+0087AD4C]
:004A7775 C6463200                mov [esi+32], 00
:004A7779 837E2400                cmp dword ptr [esi+24], 00000000
:004A777D 7512                    jne 004A7791
:004A777F 0FB65E32                movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+32]
:004A7783 80CB01                  or bl, 01
:004A7786 8D5632                  lea edx, dword ptr [esi+32]
:004A7789 8995E4FDFFFF            mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDE4], edx
:004A778F 881A                    mov byte ptr [edx], bl

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A7791 0FB65633                movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+33]
:004A7795 0FB64E32                movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi+32]
:004A7799 0FB6D2                  movzx edx, dl
:004A779C 0FB6C9                  movzx ecx, cl
:004A779F 21CA                    and edx, ecx
:004A77A1 84D2                    test dl, dl
:004A77A3 7451                    je 004A77F6
:004A77A5 8DBDF4FDFFFF            lea edi, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDF4]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"0C@"
:004A77AB C707C4B97A00            mov dword ptr [edi], 007AB9C4
:004A77B1 C707B4B97A00            mov dword ptr [edi], 007AB9B4
:004A77B7 8D5F04                  lea ebx, dword ptr [edi+04]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"ios_base failure in clear"
:004A77BA 68CCB97A00              push 007AB9CC
:004A77BF E8DCEB2E00              call 007963A0
:004A77C4 59                      pop ecx
:004A77C5 83C001                  add eax, 00000001
:004A77C8 50                      push eax
:004A77C9 E8F2F22E00              call 00796AC0
:004A77CE 59                      pop ecx
:004A77CF 50                      push eax
:004A77D0 89D9                    mov ecx, ebx
:004A77D2 E8F9CFF5FF              call 004047D0
:004A77D7 8B03                    mov eax, dword ptr [ebx]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"ios_base failure in clear"
:004A77D9 68CCB97A00              push 007AB9CC
:004A77DE 50                      push eax
:004A77DF E8DCEB2E00              call 007963C0
:004A77E4 59                      pop ecx
:004A77E5 59                      pop ecx
:004A77E6 6890424000              push 00404290
:004A77EB 57                      push edi
:004A77EC 68BCA57E00              push 007EA5BC
:004A77F1 E89A042F00              call 00797C90

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A77F6 8B1D38AD8700            mov ebx, dword ptr [0087AD38]
:004A77FC 69DB90000000            imul ebx, 00000090
:004A7802 81C348AD8700            add ebx, 0087AD48
:004A7808 8D4B0C                  lea ecx, dword ptr [ebx+0C]
:004A780B E880CEF5FF              call 00404690
:004A7810 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004A7812 0F85A3000000            jne 004A78BB
:004A7818 8B7304                  mov esi, dword ptr [ebx+04]
:004A781B 0FB65632                movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+32]
:004A781F 80CA04                  or dl, 04
:004A7822 885632                  mov byte ptr [esi+32], dl
:004A7825 837E2400                cmp dword ptr [esi+24], 00000000
:004A7829 7512                    jne 004A783D
:004A782B 0FB65E32                movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+32]
:004A782F 80CB01                  or bl, 01
:004A7832 8D5632                  lea edx, dword ptr [esi+32]
:004A7835 8995B8FDFFFF            mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDB8], edx
:004A783B 881A                    mov byte ptr [edx], bl

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A783D 0FB65633                movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+33]
:004A7841 0FB64E32                movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi+32]
:004A7845 0FB6D2                  movzx edx, dl
:004A7848 0FB6C9                  movzx ecx, cl
:004A784B 21CA                    and edx, ecx
:004A784D 84D2                    test dl, dl
:004A784F 746A                    je 004A78BB
:004A7851 8D85D4FDFFFF            lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDD4]
:004A7857 8985A8FDFFFF            mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDA8], eax

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"0C@"
:004A785D C700C4B97A00            mov dword ptr [eax], 007AB9C4
:004A7863 8B85A8FDFFFF            mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDA8]
:004A7869 C700B4B97A00            mov dword ptr [eax], 007AB9B4
:004A786F 8B9DA8FDFFFF            mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDA8]
:004A7875 83C304                  add ebx, 00000004

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"ios_base failure in clear"
:004A7878 68CCB97A00              push 007AB9CC
:004A787D E81EEB2E00              call 007963A0
:004A7882 59                      pop ecx
:004A7883 83C001                  add eax, 00000001
:004A7886 50                      push eax
:004A7887 E834F22E00              call 00796AC0
:004A788C 59                      pop ecx
:004A788D 50                      push eax
:004A788E 89D8                    mov eax, ebx
:004A7890 89C1                    mov ecx, eax
:004A7892 E839CFF5FF              call 004047D0
:004A7897 8B03                    mov eax, dword ptr [ebx]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"ios_base failure in clear"
:004A7899 68CCB97A00              push 007AB9CC
:004A789E 50                      push eax
:004A789F E81CEB2E00              call 007963C0
:004A78A4 59                      pop ecx
:004A78A5 59                      pop ecx
:004A78A6 6890424000              push 00404290
:004A78AB FFB5A8FDFFFF            push dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDA8]
:004A78B1 68BCA57E00              push 007EA5BC
:004A78B6 E8D5032F00              call 00797C90

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:004A7812(C), :004A784F(C)
:004A78BB 8B1D38AD8700            mov ebx, dword ptr [0087AD38]
:004A78C1 8D1CDB                  lea ebx, dword ptr [ebx+8*ebx]
:004A78C4 01DB                    add ebx, ebx
:004A78C6 8B34DD4CAD8700          mov esi, dword ptr [8*ebx+0087AD4C]
:004A78CD C6463200                mov [esi+32], 00
:004A78D1 837E2400                cmp dword ptr [esi+24], 00000000
:004A78D5 7512                    jne 004A78E9
:004A78D7 0FB65E32                movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+32]
:004A78DB 80CB01                  or bl, 01
:004A78DE 8D5632                  lea edx, dword ptr [esi+32]
:004A78E1 8995E0FDFFFF            mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDE0], edx
:004A78E7 881A                    mov byte ptr [edx], bl

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A78E9 0FB65633                movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+33]
:004A78ED 0FB64E32                movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi+32]
:004A78F1 0FB6D2                  movzx edx, dl
:004A78F4 0FB6C9                  movzx ecx, cl
:004A78F7 21CA                    and edx, ecx
:004A78F9 84D2                    test dl, dl
:004A78FB 746A                    je 004A7967
:004A78FD 8D85E8FDFFFF            lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDE8]
:004A7903 8985ACFDFFFF            mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDAC], eax

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"0C@"
:004A7909 C700C4B97A00            mov dword ptr [eax], 007AB9C4
:004A790F 8B85ACFDFFFF            mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDAC]
:004A7915 C700B4B97A00            mov dword ptr [eax], 007AB9B4
:004A791B 8B9DACFDFFFF            mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDAC]
:004A7921 83C304                  add ebx, 00000004

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"ios_base failure in clear"
:004A7924 68CCB97A00              push 007AB9CC
:004A7929 E872EA2E00              call 007963A0
:004A792E 59                      pop ecx
:004A792F 83C001                  add eax, 00000001
:004A7932 50                      push eax
:004A7933 E888F12E00              call 00796AC0
:004A7938 59                      pop ecx
:004A7939 50                      push eax
:004A793A 89D8                    mov eax, ebx
:004A793C 89C1                    mov ecx, eax
:004A793E E88DCEF5FF              call 004047D0
:004A7943 8B03                    mov eax, dword ptr [ebx]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"ios_base failure in clear"
:004A7945 68CCB97A00              push 007AB9CC
:004A794A 50                      push eax
:004A794B E870EA2E00              call 007963C0
:004A7950 59                      pop ecx
:004A7951 59                      pop ecx
:004A7952 6890424000              push 00404290
:004A7957 FFB5ACFDFFFF            push dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDAC]
:004A795D 68BCA57E00              push 007EA5BC
:004A7962 E829032F00              call 00797C90

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A7967 8B1D38AD8700            mov ebx, dword ptr [0087AD38]
:004A796D 69DB90000000            imul ebx, 00000090
:004A7973 81C348AD8700            add ebx, 0087AD48
:004A7979 8D4B0C                  lea ecx, dword ptr [ebx+0C]
:004A797C 6A08                    push 00000008
:004A797E 8D8500FEFFFF            lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFE00]
:004A7984 50                      push eax
:004A7985 E806CAF5FF              call 00404390
:004A798A 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004A798C 0F85A3000000            jne 004A7A35
:004A7992 8B7304                  mov esi, dword ptr [ebx+04]
:004A7995 0FB65632                movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+32]
:004A7999 80CA04                  or dl, 04
:004A799C 885632                  mov byte ptr [esi+32], dl
:004A799F 837E2400                cmp dword ptr [esi+24], 00000000
:004A79A3 7512                    jne 004A79B7
:004A79A5 0FB65E32                movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+32]
:004A79A9 80CB01                  or bl, 01
:004A79AC 8D5632                  lea edx, dword ptr [esi+32]
:004A79AF 8995B4FDFFFF            mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDB4], edx
:004A79B5 881A                    mov byte ptr [edx], bl

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A79B7 0FB65633                movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+33]
:004A79BB 0FB64E32                movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi+32]
:004A79BF 0FB6D2                  movzx edx, dl
:004A79C2 0FB6C9                  movzx ecx, cl
:004A79C5 21CA                    and edx, ecx
:004A79C7 84D2                    test dl, dl
:004A79C9 746A                    je 004A7A35
:004A79CB 8D85C8FDFFFF            lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDC8]
:004A79D1 8985A4FDFFFF            mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDA4], eax

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"0C@"
:004A79D7 C700C4B97A00            mov dword ptr [eax], 007AB9C4
:004A79DD 8B85A4FDFFFF            mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDA4]
:004A79E3 C700B4B97A00            mov dword ptr [eax], 007AB9B4
:004A79E9 8B9DA4FDFFFF            mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDA4]
:004A79EF 83C304                  add ebx, 00000004

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"ios_base failure in clear"
:004A79F2 68CCB97A00              push 007AB9CC
:004A79F7 E8A4E92E00              call 007963A0
:004A79FC 59                      pop ecx
:004A79FD 83C001                  add eax, 00000001
:004A7A00 50                      push eax
:004A7A01 E8BAF02E00              call 00796AC0
:004A7A06 59                      pop ecx
:004A7A07 50                      push eax
:004A7A08 89D8                    mov eax, ebx
:004A7A0A 89C1                    mov ecx, eax
:004A7A0C E8BFCDF5FF              call 004047D0
:004A7A11 8B03                    mov eax, dword ptr [ebx]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"ios_base failure in clear"
:004A7A13 68CCB97A00              push 007AB9CC
:004A7A18 50                      push eax
:004A7A19 E8A2E92E00              call 007963C0
:004A7A1E 59                      pop ecx
:004A7A1F 59                      pop ecx
:004A7A20 6890424000              push 00404290
:004A7A25 FFB5A4FDFFFF            push dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDA4]
:004A7A2B 68BCA57E00              push 007EA5BC
:004A7A30 E85B022F00              call 00797C90

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:004A798C(C), :004A79C9(C)
:004A7A35 8B1D38AD8700            mov ebx, dword ptr [0087AD38]
:004A7A3B 8D1CDB                  lea ebx, dword ptr [ebx+8*ebx]
:004A7A3E 01DB                    add ebx, ebx
:004A7A40 8B14DD4CAD8700          mov edx, dword ptr [8*ebx+0087AD4C]
:004A7A47 0FB65232                movzx edx, byte ptr [edx+32]
:004A7A4B 0FB6C2                  movzx eax, dl
:004A7A4E 83E004                  and eax, 00000004
:004A7A51 84C0                    test al, al
:004A7A53 740A                    je 004A7A5F
:004A7A55 31C0                    xor eax, eax
:004A7A57 8D65F4                  lea esp, dword ptr [ebp-0C]
:004A7A5A 5F                      pop edi
:004A7A5B 5E                      pop esi
:004A7A5C 5B                      pop ebx
:004A7A5D 5D                      pop ebp
:004A7A5E C3                      ret

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A7A5F 8B1D38AD8700            mov ebx, dword ptr [0087AD38]
:004A7A65 8D1CDB                  lea ebx, dword ptr [ebx+8*ebx]
:004A7A68 01DB                    add ebx, ebx
:004A7A6A 8B14DD4CAD8700          mov edx, dword ptr [8*ebx+0087AD4C]
:004A7A71 0FB65232                movzx edx, byte ptr [edx+32]
:004A7A75 0FB6C2                  movzx eax, dl
:004A7A78 83E001                  and eax, 00000001
:004A7A7B 84C0                    test al, al
:004A7A7D 740A                    je 004A7A89
:004A7A7F 31C0                    xor eax, eax
:004A7A81 8D65F4                  lea esp, dword ptr [ebp-0C]
:004A7A84 5F                      pop edi
:004A7A85 5E                      pop esi
:004A7A86 5B                      pop ebx
:004A7A87 5D                      pop ebp
:004A7A88 C3                      ret

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A7A89 8B1D38AD8700            mov ebx, dword ptr [0087AD38]
:004A7A8F 8D1CDB                  lea ebx, dword ptr [ebx+8*ebx]
:004A7A92 01DB                    add ebx, ebx
:004A7A94 8B14DD4CAD8700          mov edx, dword ptr [8*ebx+0087AD4C]
:004A7A9B 0FB65232                movzx edx, byte ptr [edx+32]
:004A7A9F 0FB6C2                  movzx eax, dl
:004A7AA2 83E002                  and eax, 00000002
:004A7AA5 84C0                    test al, al
:004A7AA7 740A                    je 004A7AB3
:004A7AA9 31C0                    xor eax, eax
:004A7AAB 8D65F4                  lea esp, dword ptr [ebp-0C]
:004A7AAE 5F                      pop edi
:004A7AAF 5E                      pop esi
:004A7AB0 5B                      pop ebx
:004A7AB1 5D                      pop ebp
:004A7AB2 C3                      ret


* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"No VERSION-6.0 CD found! X-Plane "
                                        ->"is operating in demo mode."
:004F1337 68E1E17E00              push 007EE1E1
:004F133C 6A00                    push 00000000
:004F133E E82D05F6FF              call 00451870
:004F1343 83C418                  add esp, 00000018
:004F1346 C70554F5210801000000    mov dword ptr [0821F554], 00000001

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:004F12FE(C), :004F1311(C), :004F131A(C)
:004F1350 833D54F5210800          cmp dword ptr [0821F554], 00000000
:004F1357 745F                    je 004F13B8
:004F1359 C70554F5210800000000    mov dword ptr [0821F554], 00000000

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"FIDELITY BUILD.txt"
:004F1363 681DE27E00              push 007EE21D
:004F1368 E8D363FBFF              call 004A7740
:004F136D 59                      pop ecx
:004F136E 89C3                    mov ebx, eax

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"HOW TO INSTALL VERSION 6.txt"
:004F1370 6830E27E00              push 007EE230
:004F1375 E8C663FBFF              call 004A7740
:004F137A 59                      pop ecx
:004F137B 31D2                    xor edx, edx
:004F137D 85DB                    test ebx, ebx
:004F137F 7507                    jne 004F1388
:004F1381 85C0                    test eax, eax
:004F1383 7503                    jne 004F1388
:004F1385 83C201                  add edx, 00000001

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:004F137F(C), :004F1383(C)
:004F1388 8915002BBB02            mov dword ptr [02BB2B00], edx
:004F138E 891DFCCEAE02            mov dword ptr [02AECEFC], ebx
:004F1394 85D2                    test edx, edx
:004F1396 7520                    jne 004F13B8
:004F1398 6A0F                    push 0000000F
:004F139A 684DE27E00              push 007EE24D

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Next time put the CD in before "
                                        ->"you start X-Plane to avoid this "
:004F139F 684EE27E00              push 007EE24E

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"I am taking you out of demo mode "
:004F13A4 6898E27E00              push 007EE298

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"OK I found the CD!"
:004F13A9 68BEE27E00              push 007EE2BE
:004F13AE 6A00                    push 00000000
:004F13B0 E8BB04F6FF              call 00451870
:004F13B5 83C418                  add esp, 00000018

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:004F1357(C), :004F1396(C)
:004F13B8 833D002BBB0200          cmp dword ptr [02BB2B00], 00000000
:004F13BF 0F8498000000            je 004F145D
:004F13C5 D905AC2ABB02            fld dword ptr [02BB2AAC]
:004F13CB D81DB0DB7E00            fcomp dword ptr [007EDBB0]
:004F13D1 DFE0                    fstsw ax
:004F13D3 F6C445                  test ah, 45
:004F13D6 0F8581000000            jne 004F145D
:004F13DC 833D50F5210800          cmp dword ptr [0821F550], 00000000
:004F13E3 7578                    jne 004F145D
:004F13E5 C70550F5210801000000    mov dword ptr [0821F550], 00000001
:004F13EF 6830AB8700              push 0087AB30
:004F13F4 68B06C8700              push 00876CB0

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"I do not detect an X-Plane 6.0 "
                                        ->"or later CD in the following drive: "
:004F13F9 68D1E27E00              push 007EE2D1
:004F13FE E83D42F5FF              call 00445640
:004F1403 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:004F1406 6830AB8700              push 0087AB30

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->" so I shall now ignore your joystick "
                                        ->"input since you have not put the "
                                        ->"X-Plane 6.0 or later CD in that "
:004F140B 6815E37E00              push 007EE315
:004F1410 6830AB8700              push 0087AB30
:004F1415 E82642F5FF              call 00445640
:004F141A 83C40C                  add esp, 0000000C
:004F141D 6A0F                    push 0000000F
:004F141F 684DE27E00              push 007EE24D

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"(If you already have an X-Plane "
                                        ->"6.0 or later CD, be sure to put "
                                        ->"it in the drive before you start "
                                        ->"the sim to avoid this message!)"


How-to crack X-Plane 6.70
Used disassembler W32Dasm version 8.9

1) disasemble X-Plane 670.exe
2) find string "I do not detect an X-Plane 6.0" - is in the location code.txt :004F13F4
3) function called from addres :004F1368 - call 004A7740 is function, that returns in register EAX "00000000", if not in the CD-ROM original CD and non zero value, if found in CD-ROM original CD.
4) is demand ensure, that the function "function.txt" always returns in register EAX non zero value.
5) return from this function is possible from this addreses :004A7A5E, :004A7A88, :004A7AB2 and more. In first time clear instruction je 004A7A5F (don't jump to another test code) and always return non zero value. Clear clearing register eax "xor eax,eax".
6) in this location :004A7A53 is demand this code: "740A  je 004A7A5F, 31C0 -- xor eax, eax" replace this new code: "90909090 -- nop, nop, nop, nop"
7) In hexaeditor is this code at there position A6E53  replace this "74 0A 31 C0" herewith : "90 90 90 90".

thats all; 


Copy "X-Plane 670 crack.exe" to your directory contains file "X-Plane 670.exe".
Run "X-Plane 670 crack.exe".
Use button "Patch".

thats all;

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z